The Diabetes Leadership Council Recognizes Three Congressional Leaders as Diabetes Champions

The Diabetes Leadership Council Recognizes Three Congressional Leaders as Diabetes Champions

CongressmanRaul Ruiz, M.D. (D-CA), Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Nimit Jindal, PharmD, Senior Health Policy Advisor to the Senate HELP Committee, are honored fort heir work in supporting the diabetes community


WASHINGTON, DC – Recognizing the dedication of those working to improve the well-being of all Americans affected by diabetes, the Diabetes Leadership Council is proud to present theDiabetes Champion Award to Congressman Raul Ruiz, M.D. (D-CA), vice chair of the Diabetes Congressional Caucus, Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), chair of the Diabetes Congressional Caucus, and Nimit Jindal, PharmD, Senior Health PolicyAdvisor to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.


The DiabetesLeadership Council, an organization dedicated to reducing barriers to accessible, equitable care for those living with diabetes by informing policymakers about the priorities and lived experiences of the diabetes community, presented the awards ahead of its Congressional Briefing in coordination with the Congressional Diabetes Caucus on May 15, 2024: Progress, Potential & Pitfalls: PocketbookIssues Impacting Americans with Diabetes.

“These leaders have proven themselves to be diabetes champions through their dedication and support to advancing legislative efforts aimed at improving diabetes care, research and prevention. They have been long time champions for people with diabetes and for community priorities like reducing costs for insulin and other prescription drugs and improving Medicare coverage of diabetes technology and other standards of care,” said Stewart Perry, Board Chair of the DiabetesLeadership Council. “We are proud to recognize their work to improve the lives of the 37 millionAmericans living with diabetes and we look forward to the future achievements for the community.”

CongressmanRuiz (D-CA) shares: “As an emergency medicine physician and a vice chair of theCongressional Diabetes Caucus, I know firsthand how important it is for the patients and constituents I serve to have access to quality, affordable healthcare. There are over 37 million Americans that are impacted by diabetes, which is why I worked to pass the Inflation Reduction Act that reduced prescription drug prices and capped insulin costs to $35. I am honored to receive theDiabetes Leadership Council's Diabetes Champion Award and reaffirm my commitment to delivering solutions for people impacted by diabetes.”


Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL) adds: “I’m honored to accept this award acknowledging my work to improve patient outcomes by promoting prevention and education strategies, boosting early detection, enhancing access to quality care and maximizing coordinated care for diabetes patients and those who are at high risk for developing this debilitating disease. My goal is to empower patients and healthcare providers with tools they can use to optimize health, avoid costly complications, and enjoy a better quality of life.”


Nimit Jindal, PharmD, Senior Health Policy Advisor to the Senate HELP Committee and formerHealth Policy Director for Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO), chair of theDiabetes Congressional Caucus, said: “I started my career as a community pharmacist taking care of patients with chronic diseases, including diabetes. When I became aCongressional staffer, I came with a commitment to ease the burden of disease that so many of my former patients would face every day. I’m very proud to have worked with so many other advocates and policy makers to help improve the lives of patients with diabetes and look forward to continuing this work. Thank you to the Diabetes Leadership Council for this thoughtful recognition and for being supportive of these continued efforts.”


The DiabetesChampion Award is presented by the Diabetes Leadership Council to the most effective people in Congress based on their commitment to elevate legislative efforts that aim to increase health care access and affordability for Americans with chronic health conditions, particularly the 37 million individuals living with diabetes.


For more information on patient centered policies for people with diabetes across the United States, visit


About the Diabetes LeadershipCouncil

The DiabetesLeadership Council is a 501(c)(3) patient advocacy organization comprised of individuals with decades of diabetes experience and leadership to advance patients-first policies at the local, state and national levels. We are people with diabetes, parents of children with diabetes, allies and tireless volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of all people impacted by this condition. Our members—all former leaders of national diabetes organizations—engage policymakers, and public and private sector influencers to call attention to the diabetes epidemic and provide a voice for 37 million Americans living with diabetes.Learn more:


About Congressman Raul Ruiz

Congressman Ruiz, M.D. has served as representative forCalifornia’s 25th district since 2023 and before that servedCalifornia's 36th district since 2012. In that time, he has stepped up to serve on various congressional committees and help committed to improving the health and lives of Californians. As a physician, Congressman Ruiz is passionate about advocating for health care and improving patient costs and outcomes. Congressman Ruiz is a Vice Chair of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus and also serves on the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Health, Oversight and Investigations, Environment,Manufacturing, and Critical Materials as well as a Ranking Member of the House Oversight & InvestigationsSelect Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.


About Congressman Gus Bilirakis

Congressman Bilirakis has represented Florida’s 12th congressional district since 2013, and before that, represented the state’s 9th district beginning in 2007. In the past year alone, Congressman has co-authored the Diabetes Prevention Bill and championed numerous other pieces of legislation promoting the best health, safety and care for people withDiabetes. Congressman Bilirakis is supporter not only diabetes research funding put also improvements care outcomes with it comes to insulin pricing and continuous glucose monitoring. The Congressman is Senior Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, chairs the Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee and also sits on the Committee’s Health Subcommittee and the Communications andTechnology Subcommittee.


About Nimit Jindal, HELP Committee Senior Health PolicyAdvisor

Nimit Jindal began his career as a pharmacist and spent over five years serving his communities. He went on to enter the world of politics as a Health Policy Fellow for the Senate Health, Education, Labor,Pensions (HELP) Committee and went on the work in the offices of Congressman Joseph Morrelle and Congresswoman Diana DeGette as a Health and Labor LegislativeAssistant and as a Health Policy Director respectively. Jindal returned to theHELP Committee in 2024 as a Senior Health Policy Advisor.